
static function GetKey (name : String) : boolean

Devuelve true mientras el jugador aprieta la tecla identificada como name (pensemos de nuevo en un disparador automático)

Para ver la lista de indentificadores de tecla podemos consultar Input Manager en el menú=>Edit=>Project Settings=>Input.

Un ejemplo sencillo:

function Update () {
if (Input.GetKey ("up"))
print ("Has presionado la flecha de desplazamiento superior");

if (Input.GetKey ("down"))
print ("Has presionado la flecha de desplazamiento inferior");

static function GetKey (key : KeyCode) : boolean

En este segundo prototipo la función devuelve true mientras el jugador presiona la tecla identificada por el parámetro de tipo KeyCode.

Así, el ejemplo anterior en esta segunda modalidad se quedaría así:

function Update () {
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow))
print ("Has presionado la flecha de desplazamiento superior");

if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow))
print ("Has presionado la flecha de desplazamiento inferior");

Paso a relacionar todo el enum KeyCode:

None Not assigned (never is pressed)
Backspace The backspace key
Delete The forward delete key
Tab The tab key
Clear The Clear key
Return Return key
Pause Pause on PC machines
Escape Escape key
Space Space key
Keypad0 Numeric keypad 0
Keypad1 Numeric keypad 1
Keypad2 Numeric keypad 2
Keypad3 Numeric keypad 3
Keypad4 Numeric keypad 4
Keypad5 Numeric keypad 5
Keypad6 Numeric keypad 6
Keypad7 Numeric keypad 7
Keypad8 Numeric keypad 8
Keypad9 Numeric keypad 9
KeypadPeriod Numeric keypad '.'
KeypadDivide Numeric keypad '/'
KeypadMultiply Numeric keypad '*'
KeypadMinus Numeric keypad '-'
KeypadPlus Numeric keypad '+'
KeypadEnter Numeric keypad enter
KeypadEquals Numeric keypad '='
UpArrow Up arrow key
DownArrow Down arrow key
RightArrow Right arrow key
LeftArrow Left arrow key
Insert Insert key key
Home Home key
End End key
PageUp Page up
PageDown Page down
F1 F1 function key
F2 F2 function key
F3 F3 function key
F4 F4 function key
F5 F5 function key
F6 F6 function key
F7 F7 function key
F8 F8 function key
F9 F9 function key
F10 F10 function key
F11 F11 function key
F12 F12 function key
F13 F13 function key
F14 F14 function key
F15 F15 function key
Alpha0 The '0' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha1 The '1' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha2 The '2' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha3 The '3' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha4 The '4' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha5 The '5' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha6 The '6' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha7 The '7' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha8 The '8' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Alpha9 The '9' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard.
Exclaim Exclaim key
DoubleQuote Double quote key
Hash Hash key
Dollar Dollar sign key
Ampersand Ampersand key
Quote Quote key
LeftParen Left Parent key
RightParen Right Parent key
Asterisk Asterisk key
Plus Plus key
Comma Comma ',' key
Minus Minus '-' key
Period Period '.' key
Slash Slash '/' key
Colon Colon ',' key
Semicolon Semicolon ';' key
Less Less '<' key
Equals Equals '=' key
Greater Greater '>' key
Question Question mark '?' key
At At key
LeftBracket Left bracket key
Backslash Backslash key
RightBracket Backslash key
Caret Caret key
Underscore Underscore '_' key
BackQuote Back quote key
A 'a' key
B 'b' key
C 'c' key
D 'd' key
E 'e' key
F 'f' key
G 'g' key
H 'h' key
I 'i' key
J 'j' key
K 'k' key
L 'l' key
M 'm' key
N 'n' key
O 'o' key
P 'p' key
Q 'q' key
R 'r' key
S 's' key
T 't' key
U 'u' key
V 'v' key
W 'w' key
X 'x' key
Y 'y' key
Z 'z' key
Numlock Numlock key
CapsLock Capslock key
ScrollLock Scroll lock key
RightShift Right shift key
LeftShift Left shift key
RightControl Right Control key
LeftControl Left Control key
RightAlt Right Alt key
LeftAlt Left Alt key
LeftApple Left Apple key
LeftWindows Left Windows key
RightApple Right Apple key
RightWindows Right Windows key
AltGr Alt Gr key
Help Help key
Print Print key
SysReq Sys Req key
Break Break key
Menu Menu key
Mouse0 First (primary) mouse button
Mouse1 Second (secondary) mouse button
Mouse2 Third mouse button
Mouse3 Fourth mouse button
Mouse4 Fifth mouse button
Mouse5 Sixth mouse button
Mouse6 Seventh mouse button
JoystickButton0 Button 0 on any joystick
JoystickButton1 Button 1 on any joystick
JoystickButton2 Button 2 on any joystick
JoystickButton3 Button 3 on any joystick
JoystickButton4 Button 4 on any joystick
JoystickButton5 Button 5 on any joystick
JoystickButton6 Button 6 on any joystick
JoystickButton7 Button 7 on any joystick
JoystickButton8 Button 8 on any joystick
JoystickButton9 Button 9 on any joystick
JoystickButton10 Button 10 on any joystick
JoystickButton11 Button 11 on any joystick
JoystickButton12 Button 12 on any joystick
JoystickButton13 Button 13 on any joystick
JoystickButton14 Button 14 on any joystick
JoystickButton15 Button 15 on any joystick
JoystickButton16 Button 16 on any joystick
JoystickButton17 Button 17 on any joystick
JoystickButton18 Button 18 on any joystick
JoystickButton19 Button 19 on any joystick
Joystick1Button0 Button 0 on first joystick
Joystick1Button1 Button 1 on first joystick
Joystick1Button2 Button 2 on first joystick
Joystick1Button3 Button 3 on first joystick
Joystick1Button4 Button 4 on first joystick
Joystick1Button5 Button 5 on first joystick
Joystick1Button6 Button 6 on first joystick
Joystick1Button7 Button 7 on first joystick
Joystick1Button8 Button 8 on first joystick
Joystick1Button9 Button 9 on first joystick
Joystick1Button10 Button 10 on first joystick
Joystick1Button11 Button 11 on first joystick
Joystick1Button12 Button 12 on first joystick
Joystick1Button13 Button 13 on first joystick
Joystick1Button14 Button 14 on first joystick
Joystick1Button15 Button 15 on first joystick
Joystick1Button16 Button 16 on first joystick
Joystick1Button17 Button 17 on first joystick
Joystick1Button18 Button 18 on first joystick
Joystick1Button19 Button 19 on first joystick
Joystick2Button0 Button 0 on second joystick
Joystick2Button1 Button 1 on second joystick
Joystick2Button2 Button 2 on second joystick
Joystick2Button3 Button 3 on second joystick
Joystick2Button4 Button 4 on second joystick
Joystick2Button5 Button 5 on second joystick
Joystick2Button6 Button 6 on second joystick
Joystick2Button7 Button 7 on second joystick
Joystick2Button8 Button 8 on second joystick
Joystick2Button9 Button 9 on second joystick
Joystick2Button10 Button 10 on second joystick
Joystick2Button11 Button 11 on second joystick
Joystick2Button12 Button 12 on second joystick
Joystick2Button13 Button 13 on second joystick
Joystick2Button14 Button 14 on second joystick
Joystick2Button15 Button 15 on second joystick
Joystick2Button16 Button 16 on second joystick
Joystick2Button17 Button 17 on second joystick
Joystick2Button18 Button 18 on second joystick
Joystick2Button19 Button 19 on second joystick
Joystick3Button0 Button 0 on third joystick
Joystick3Button1 Button 1 on third joystick
Joystick3Button2 Button 2 on third joystick
Joystick3Button3 Button 3 on third joystick
Joystick3Button4 Button 4 on third joystick
Joystick3Button5 Button 5 on third joystick
Joystick3Button6 Button 6 on third joystick
Joystick3Button7 Button 7 on third joystick
Joystick3Button8 Button 8 on third joystick
Joystick3Button9 Button 9 on third joystick
Joystick3Button10 Button 10 on third joystick
Joystick3Button11 Button 11 on third joystick
Joystick3Button12 Button 12 on third joystick
Joystick3Button13 Button 13 on third joystick
Joystick3Button14 Button 14 on third joystick
Joystick3Button15 Button 15 on third joystick
Joystick3Button16 Button 16 on third joystick
Joystick3Button17 Button 17 on third joystick
Joystick3Button18 Button 18 on third joystick
Joystick3Button19 Button 19 on third joystick

POSTED BY UnityScripts

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